
This page and its subpages are currently under construction. Soon you will be able to access a comprehensive listing of our equipment and services here.



Hier finden Sie eine Auftellung der am Institut verfügbaren Geräte von A bis Z.



The institute offers their students access to the latest software, including those for Reservoir Simulation and History Matching.


For a better overview, you will find below the core competencies of the Institute divided into its different areas and centers.

Cement and Drilling Fluid Laboratory

Cement and Drilling Fluid Laboratory

Tailored solutions related to drilling fluids and cement technical problems.

Oil Country Tubular Goods Full Scale Test Center

Oil Country Tubular Goods Full Scale Test Center

The OCTG Full Scale Testing Center tests tubulars and devices in full scale under combined service loads and extreme conditions.

Drilling Simulator Celle

Drilling Simulator Celle

Der DSC verfolgt die Zielsetzung, eine Simulation des Tiefbohr-Prozesses mit den gekoppelten Soft- und Hardwaresimulatoren zu ermöglichen