Prof. Dr. Philip Jaeger
- 1992 Chemical engineering degree
- 1997 PhD “Supercritical liquid fractionation with carbon dioxide”.
- 2014 Habilitation “Interfaces in Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery”
- Lecturer at Hamburg University of Technology
- Global courses and training on High Pressure Technology and Experimentation
- Since 1998 Managing Director of Eurotechnica GmbH (Germany)
- High-pressure foam characterization
- Shale oil and gas: gas adsorption, volume expansion,
- CCUS: phase and interfacial behaviour in presence of compressed CO2
- Hydrogen: handling, diffusion, compatability
- Interfacial properties in hydrocarbon conditioning
- Artificial intelligence in the oil field
Fields of Research
- Phase behaviour and interfacial phenomena in Improved Oil Recovery.
- Supercritical fluid extraction and power cycles.
- Properties of fluid mixtures under non-atmospheric conditions
- Gas diffusion and adsorption in porous structures and polymers
- Gas hydrates
- Suspensions, emulsions and foams. Coalescence phenomena.
- Material compatibility at conditions of gas and oil transport.
- Thermodynamics and Phase Behaviour
- Hydrocarbon conditioning and processing
- Oil and gas production
- Geothermal production systems/advanced geothermal systems
- Material properties
- Samara, H., Al-Eryani, M., Jaeger, P., 2022. The role of supercritical carbon dioxide in modifying the phase and interfacial properties of multiphase systems relevant to combined EOR-CCS. Fuel 323, 124271.
- H. Samara and P. Jaeger, “Experimental determination of wetting behavior under non-atmospheric conditions relevant to reservoirs: a practical guide,” SN Appl. Sci., vol. 4, no. 3, p. 85, Mar. 2022
- J. Wang, H. Samara, P. Jaeger, V. Ko, D. Rodgers, and D. Ryan, “Investigation for CO 2 Adsorption and Wettability of Reservoir Rocks,” Energy Fuels, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 1626–1634, Feb. 2022.
- J. Wang, D. Ryan, H. Samara, P. Jaeger: Interactions of CO2 with Hydrocarbon Liquid Observed from Adsorption of CO2 in Organic-Rich Shale, Energy Fuels 34 (2020), 14476-14482.
- A. Almeida da Costa, G. Costa, M. Embiruçu, J. B. P. Soares, J. J. Trivedi, P. S. Rocha, A. Souza, P. Jaeger: The Influence of Rock Composition and pH on Reservoir Wettability for Low-Salinity Water-CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications in Brazilian Reservoirs, SPE-195982-PA (2020).
- M. Szabries, P. Jaeger: Trends in oil and gas production - current challenges in research and development, EEK 136 (2020) 9, 19 - 23.
- A. Alasali, N. Aboud, K. Kuchta, P. Jaeger, A. Zeinolebadi: Assessment of the supercritical CO2 extraction as a method for plastic waste decontamination, Polymers 2020, 12, 1347.
- J. Wang, P. Jaeger, H. Samara, D. Ryan: Simultaneous Evaluation of Time-dependent Phase and Wetting Properties of Hydrocarbon liquids for CO2 - Enhanced Recovery of Oil and Gas from Tight Reservoir, Energy and Fuels,
- S. Knauer, L. Quynh-Hoa, R. Baessler, P. Jaeger: Contact angle and corrosion of a Water - CO2 system on X70 and S41500 at 278 K and pressures up to 20 MPa, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 89 (2019) 33-39.
- T. Oldenburg, P. Jaeger, J. Gros, S. Socolofsky, S. Pesch, J Radovic, A. Jaggi: Physical and Chemical Properties of Oil and Gas Under Reservoir and Deep-Sea Conditions in Deep Oil Spills, Springer 2020
- H. Samara, Li Ke, T.v. Ostrowski, L. Ganzer, P. Jaeger: Unconventional oil recovery from Al Sultani tight rock formations using supercritical CO2, J. of Supercritical Fluids 152 (2019) 104562.
- J. Wang, D. Ryan, M. Szabries, P. Jaeger, A Study for Using CO2 To Enhance Natural Gas Recovery from Tight Reservoirs, Energy Fuels 2019, 33, 3821-3827.
- M. Szabries, P. Jaeger, M. Amro: Foam Analysis at Elevated Pressures for Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications, Energy and Fuels Energy Fuels 33 (2019) 5, 3743-3752.
- L.Q. Hoa, R. Baessler, S. Knauer, P. Jaeger, A. Kratzig, D. Bettge, A. Kranzmann: Droplet Corrosion of CO2 Transport Pipeline Steels in Simulated Oxyfuel Flue Gas, CORROSION 74 (2018), No. 12, pp. 1406-1420.
- S. Pesch, P. Jaeger, A. Jaggi, K. Malone, M. Hoffmann, D. Krause, T.B.P. Oldenburg, M. Schlüter: Rise Velocity of Live-Oil Droplets in Deep-Sea Oil Spills, Environm. Eng. Sci. 35 (2018) 4, 289-299.
- L. Goimila, P. Jaeger, I. Ardao, J.-L. Gómez-Amoza, A. Concheiro, C. Alvarez-Lorenzo, C. A. García-González: Preparation and stability of dexamethasone-loaded polymeric scaffolds for bone regeneration processed by compressed CO2 foaming, Journal of CO? Utilization 24 (2018) 89-98.
- R. Obaidat, M. Alnaief, P. Jaeger: Significant solubility of carbon dioxide in Soluplus® facilitates impregnation of ibuprofen using supercritical fluid technology, Pharmaceutical development and technology 23 (2018) 7, 697-705.
- S. Knauer, M. Schenk, T. Köddermann, D. Reith, P. Jaeger: Interfacial Tension and Related Properties of Ionic Liquids in CH4 and CO2 at Elevated Pressures: Experimental Data and Molecular Dynamics Simulation, JCED, J. Chem. Eng. Data, (2017), 62 (8), 2234-2243.
- M.A. Fanovich, J. Ivanovic, I. Zizovic, D. Misic, P. Jaeger: Functionalization of polycaprolactone/ hydroxyapatite scaffolds with Usnea lethariiformis extract by using supercritical CO2, Materials Science and Engineering C 58 (2016) 204-212.
- P.T. Jaeger: Interfacial Phenomena in Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery, Habilitation at Hamburg University of Technology, (2014).
- M.A. Fanovich, J. Ivanovic, D. Misic, M.V. Alvarez, P. Jaeger, I. Zizovic, Rudolf Eggers: Development of polycaprolactone scaffold with antibacterial activity by an integrated supercritical extraction and impregnation process, J. of Supercritical Fluids 78 (2013) 42- 53.
- P.T. Jaeger, M. Alotaibi, H. Nasr-El-Din: High-pressure Applications in Enhanced Crude Oil Recovery, Chapter 7 in "Industrial High Pressure Processes" by R. Eggers (Ed.), Wiley-VCH Weinheim, (2012).
- P. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Interfacial properties at elevated pressures in reservoir systems containing compressed or supercritical carbon dioxide, J. Supercrit. Fluids 66 (2012), 80- 85.
- M.A. Fanovich, P. Jaeger: Sorption and diffusion of compressed carbon dioxide in polycaprolactone for the development of porous scaffolds, Mat. Sci. Eng. C, 32 (2012), 961-968.
- P.T. Jaeger, M. Alotaibi, H. Nasr-El-Din: Influence of Compressed Carbon Dioxide on the Capillarity of the Gas-Crude Oil-Reservoir Water System, J. Chem. Eng. Data (2010), 55, 5246-5251.
- O.G. Niño-Amezquita, S. Enders, P.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers, Interfacial properties of mixtures containing supercritical gases, J. Supercrit. Fluids 55 (2010), 724-734.
- M. Stamenic, I. Zizovic, R. Eggers, P. Jaeger, H. Heinrich, E. Rojc, J. Ivanovic, D. Skala: Swelling of Plant Material in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, J. of Supercritical Fluids 52 (2010) 125-133.
- O. G. Nino-Amezquita, S. Enders, P.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Measurement and Prediction of Interfacial Tension of Binary Mixtures, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (2010), 592-601.
- P. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Interfacial Tension of Ionic Liquids at Elevated Pressures, Chem. Eng. Proc., 48 (2009), 1173 - 1176.
- P. Jaeger, A. Pietsch: Characterization of Reservoir Systems at Elevated Pressures, J. Petrol. Sci. Eng. 64 (2009) 1-4, 20 - 24.
- Y. Sutjiadi-Sia, P. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Interfacial Phenomena of Aqueous Systems in Dense Carbon Dioxide, J. Supercrit. Fluids 46 (2008), 272 - 279.
- Y. Sutjiadi-Sia, P. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Interfacial Tension of Solid Materials against Dense Carbon Dioxide, J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 320 (2008), 268 - 274.
- P. Zacchi, S. Calvo-Bastida, P. Jaeger, M.J. Cocero, R. Eggers: Countercurrent De-acidification of Vegetable Oils Using Supercritical CO2: Holdup and RTD Experiments, J. Supercrit. Fluids 45 (2008) 2, 238 - 244.
- Arne Pietsch, P. Jaeger: Concentration of Squalene from Shark Liver Oil by Short - Path Destillation, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 109 (2007), 1077 - 1082.
- S. Voges, P. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Solid Bed Properties under High Gas Pressure, Chem. Eng. Technol. 30 (2007) 6, 709 - 714.
- P. Jaeger, R. Eggers, S. Buchner: Sorption Kinetics of High Pressure Gases in Polymeric Tubing Materials, Proc. OMAE (2006), June 4 - 9, 92393.
- P. Zacchi, A. Pietsch, S. Voges, A. Ambrogi, R. Eggers, P. Jaeger: Concepts of Phase Separation in Supercritical Processing, Chem. Eng. Processing 45 (2006), 728 - 733.
- P. Zacchi, J. Daghero, P. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Extraction/Fractionation and De-acidification of Wheat Germ Oil Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Brazilian Journal of Chem. Eng. 23 (2006) 1, 105 - 110.
- Ph.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Liquid - liquid Interfaces at Extreme Pressures in Presence of Compressible Fluids, Thermochimica Acta, 438 (2005) 16 - 21.
- R. Eggers, Ph.T. Jaeger: Interfacial Phenomena in Countercurrent and Spray Processing Using Supercritical Fluids, Chapter 2.2 in G. Brunner (ed.): Supercritical Fluids as Solvents and Reaction Media, Elsevier, (2004).
- R. Eggers, Ph.T. Jaeger, A. Ambrogi: Kurzzeitige Hochtemperaturkonditionierung von Rapssaaten, Lebensmittel Technik 11 (2004), 58 - 59.
- R. Eggers, Ph.T. Jaeger: Extraction Systems, Chapter 3 in C. Tzia (ed.): Extraction Optimization in Food Engineering, Marcel Dekker, (2003).
- Ph.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers, H. Baumgartl: Interfacial Properties of High Viscous Liquids in a Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere, J. Supercrit. Fluids 24 (2002), 203 - 217.
- P.C. Simoes, R. Eggers, Ph.T. Jaeger: Interfacial Tension of Edible Oils in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Eur. J. Lipid Sci Technol. (2000), 263 - 265.
- Ph.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Wetting Characteristics in Countercurrent Columns Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, May 23 - 26, (1999).
- F. Groeneweg, W.G.M. Agterof, Ph.T. Jaeger, J.J.M. Janssen, J.A. Wieringa, J.K. Klahn: On the Mechanism of the Inversion of Emulsions, Trans IChemE 76 (1998) A, 55 - 63.
- Ph.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Interfacial Properties and Mass Transfer in Supercritical Fluid Extraction, 4th Int. Symp. on Supercrit. Fluids in Sendai, Japan, May 11 - 14 (1997), 711 - 714.
- Ph.T. Jaeger, J.v. Schnitzler, R. Eggers: Interfacial Tension of Fluid Systems Considering the Non-stationary Case with Respect to Mass Transfer, Chem. Eng. Technol. 19 (1996), 197 - 202.
- R. Eggers, H. Wagner, Ph.T. Jaeger: Extraction of Spray Particles with Supercritical Fluids, Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on High Pressure Chem. Engineering, Zürich, Oct. (1996).
- T. Langmaack, Ph.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Die Veredelung von vegetabilen Ölen durch Gegenstromextraktion mit verdichtetem Kohlendioxid, Fett/Lipid 98 (1996) 7/8, 261 - 267.
- Ph.T. Jaeger, J.J.M. Janssen, F. Groeneweg, W.G.M. Agterof: Coalescence in Emulsions Containing Inviscid Drops with High Interfacial Mobility, Coll. Surf. 85 (1994) A, 255 - 264.
- R. Eggers, Ph.T. Jaeger: Der Einfluss von Grenzflächenerscheinungen auf den Stoffübergang und die Prozessführung in Gegenstromkolonnen mit überkritischem CO2, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung 29 (1994), 373 - 377.
- Ph.T. Jaeger, R. Eggers: Die Benetzung von Kontaktflächen mit fluiden Phasen unter erhöhten Drücken, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 66 (1994) 3, 390 - 393.

Telephone: +49 5323 72 3060
Telefax: +49 5323 72 3146
Consultation hours:
Tuesday 9 - 11 o'clock
Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems
Agricolastraße 10
Building C 21, Room 323
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld