Coupling of multi-physical processes for the simulation of gas wells


01.08.2015 -


Prof. Dr. Stefan Hartmann (Institute of Applied Mechanics)

Prof. Dr. Leonhard Ganzer


The main goal of the project is the development of a coupled numerical model, which is able to describe the hydrodynamical, bio- and geochemical, thermal and geomechanical processes close to the well. For this reason, both the well as well as the cement and the geological formation (storage and cap rock region) have to be incorporated into the numerical model. Using surface coupling this is coupled with a constitutive model of the casing. Afterwards, the entire coupled model is used for studying different issues such as the storage of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and mixture of gases. In a first step, the program DuMuX (Flemisch et al., 2011), which can describe the hydraulic and chemical behavior in the subsurface, is coupled with a model of thermomechanics implemented in the finite element program TASAFEM (Hartmann, 2003). In the third year of the project, a geomechanical constitutive model with pressure-dependent yield function will be implemented into the finite element solver, in order to perform fully coupled thermal, mechanical, hydraulic and chemical computations treating the process during injection and withdrawal. In this context, the coupling tool must contain new concepts of time-integration, acceleration techniques for the partitioned approach using non-linear Gauss-Seidel procedure, and interpolation techniques for data transfer. Within the time integration step-size controlled, diagonally-implicit Runge-Kutta methods should be extended to incorporate different time-scales.
In this project, both modern and efficient procedures are taken into consideration to develop a coupling tool for multi-physics. Furthermore, preliminary studies will be performed which enter the research activities of the drilling simulator in Celle. These investigations contribute to its major goals, i.e. the combination of experiments, theory, simulation and application.


J. Mohan

Sponsors and Partners

This project is a cooperation with the Institute of Applied Mechanics . This project is sponsored by the Simulationswissenschaftlichen Zentrum Clausthal-Göttingen (SWZ).