Thesis Preparation Guide

Thesis Preparation Guide

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Part A – Before the thesis work starts

A.1. Prerequisites

The following requirements are described separately in case of a bachelor and in a master student case. They comply with the study regulations for the Bachelor program “Energy and Mineral Resources” field of study “Petroleum Engineering” (AFB 6.10.52, 2015) and the Master program Petroleum Engineering (AFB 6.10.54, 2015)

BSC thesis / 12 CPs

MSC thesis / 28 CPs

  • Proof of 150 CPs completed
  • Completion of the following modules:
  • Engineering Basics Modules: B1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11
  • Fundamental Petroleum Engineering Modules: B 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
  • Note: other courses at supervisors request
  • Seminar
  • Proof of 80 CPs completed
  • Note: all the modules except the group project must be completed

In exceptional cases after consultation and consideration of both supervisor and professor, particular M.Sc. candidates can be allowed to begin with the thesis work prior to achieving 80 CP. Once the prospective B. Sc. and M. Sc. candidates are close to fulfil the required scope of academic achievements (CPs), they can start to look either for potential thesis topics, in-house (ITE) or from the appropriate external supervisors. Before moving to Step A.2., print out a copy of the actual “Notenspiegel” to approach a potential advisor.

A.2. Assignment of Thesis Topic

To be assigned to a prospective candidate a relevant topic proposal for the B.Sc or M.Sc thesis offered by a potential supervisor, who could be a teaching or research staff member at the Institute of Petroleum Engineering, a relevant facility of the Clausthal University of Technology, a partner university, as well as a qualified member of a partner petroleum R&D or service company, must be approved by one of the department heads of ITE responsible for the petroleum engineering degree-course or the field of study.

Depending on whether the prospective B. Sc. or M. Sc. candidate would prepare the thesis with the external or internal supervisor, no thesis topic constructed and assigned by the industry is allowed. Industry proposals are welcomed but each topic should be assigned by the ITE.

At the end of this step, the thesis candidate holds a signed copy of the thesis declaration in hand, knows the thesis topic, the thesis advisor and is aware of the time duration for the work to be completed. From the date written on the declaration, the candidate has 16 weeks to register the thesis at the examination office. Note, that failure to register the thesis at the examination office will AUTOMATICALLY cause that the declaration document becomes invalid and the thesis topic is withdrawn.

Part B – During the thesis work

B.1 Thesis Preparation and Supervision Requirements

  • The thesis work should be organized by a candidate in a close contact with the advisor and in accordance with the objectives and scope described in the “Declaration”
  • At least monthly consultation with the advisor or/and other responsible persons at the ITE is required during the work on the thesis. Typically, more frequent meetings will improve the thesis quality and are suggested.
  • To layout the thesis report, the candidates are required to use the provided template available online (Studies > Thesis > Templates). ITE also offers thesis template for download. Content and the Structure of the thesis report is recommended in accordance with the guidance of the provided template.
  • In order to support the candidates we require a midterm progress report (optionally presentation, written document, etc.).

Management of changes in title, content or deliverables: any deviation from the agreed thesis declarations are to be communicated and requires approval from the department head by signing an informal addendum to the thesis declaration which defines the approved changes. Unauthorized changes to the thesis title or content by the student may cause failure or non-acceptance of the work.

B.2 Is your thesis ready? Submit your final draft to Advisor

  • This step is optional, but recommended – please agree with the advisor, if this step is for you! If not, go directly to Section C.
  • Note that ALL theses will go through a plagiarism check. Doing the plagiarism check at this level through your advisor is beneficial for you – because it is without consequences.

Part C – Thesis Submission and Presentation

C.1. Thesis Submission:

  • Once the thesis work is complete, submit a digital copy of the work (PDF version) to advisor and professor. This version will be used to perform a plagiarism check with the Turnitin software. (NOTE: Only if the plagiarism check was successfully passed and after the thesis was submitted, the student must request/ register to an appointment for thesis presentation.)
  • Submit three (3) printed and binded versions of the thesis to the examination office. An electronic copy of the thesis report and presentation, commonly on a USB stick (or CD), must be added and submitted with the thesis report.

C.2. Thesis Presentation:

  • The thesis must be presented at the colloquium of a respective department at the institute. Schedule and venue of the colloquium for a corresponding semester period (WS: September-December; SS: April-July) will be announced by the departments.
  • The presentation dates are to be scheduled for Tuesday afternoons by the secretary offices of the department of Reservoir Engineering (Jessica Lüer) and the Drilling & Production (Marion Bischof). The presentation announcements will be posted at the foyer entrance area and it will be available on the website.
  • The candidates are recommended to use the ITE PowerPoint presentation template. The duration of the thesis presentation must not exceed 20 min. The thesis presentation and the results are discussed thereafter. The total duration including discussion can take up to 60 min.
  • A copy of the final presentation must be sent prior to the presentation date to the thesis advisor.