Praktikum für Master Studenten


6 months internship. As part of the ongoing joint-industry research project (INJECTWELL), a number of CO2 injection core-flood experiments were performed studying the impact of injection rate, brine saturation and cyclicity on salt precipitation and injectivity. These experiments must be numerically reproduced in order to understand the kinetics and impact of key matching parameters on salt precipitation obtained in the lab. TOUGH2 and CMG GEM should be used as tools with respective benchmarking. Based on performance, the internship can be extended into a Mater Thesis.

Tasks and deliverables:

  • Familiarize with TOUGH2 and GEM, approaches for modelling CO2-water interaction and salt precipitation.
  • Build numerical model mimicking the core-flood experiment; incorporate the required physical model.
  • History match core-flood experiments, evaluate impact of gravity and capillary forces in 1D and 2D models.
  • Support development of an approach for upscaling lab results to field-scale.


  • Know-how on numerical reservoir modelling
  • Know-how on PVT modelling, fluid thermodynamics and mechanics
  • Coding skills are beneficial, but not required  
  • Basic know-how on working with CMG GEM or any other product from CMG family is a plus


  1. Andrè L., et al, Impact of porous medium desiccation during anhydrous CO2 injection in deep saline aquifers: up scaling from experimental results at laboratory scale to near-well region. Energy Procedia 4, 2011.
  2. Yannick Peysson, Laurent André, Mohamed Azaroual. Well injectivity during CO2 storage operations in deep saline aquifers--Part 1: Experimental investigation of drying effects, salt precipitation and capillary forces. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014, 22, pp.291-300. ⟨10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.10.031⟩. ⟨hal-00932767⟩




ASAP, duration 6 months


Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems
Department of Reservoir Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Bettina Jenei