A comparative study of storage cycles for natural gas and underground hydrogen storage for the future energy system

(Text nur in Englisch verfügbar)


The increasing share of energy from renewable sources leads to fluctuations in daily and seasonal supply and demand. Such a volatile system needs sufficient storage capacities to balance and ensure energy supply. However, it can be expected that the current energy storage cycles for natural gas will not apply to underground hydrogen storage (UHS). In this thesis, a prediction for storage cycles for UHS is developed based on recent literature. A particular focus is placed on comparing established natural gas storage cycles - mainly influenced by the seasons - with the developed UHS cycles. The developed cycles can be used for consecutive studies to design proper storage scenarios.


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  • Cárdenas, B., Swinfen-Styles, L., Rouse, J., & Garvey, S. D. (2021). Short-, Medium-, and Long-Duration Energy Storage in a 100% Renewable Electricity Grid: A UK Case Study. Energies, 14(24), 8524. doi. org/10.3390/en14248524
  • Flanigan, O. (1995). Underground Gas Storage Facilities. Elsevier. doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-88415-204-0.X5000-6

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